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Environmental Policy

At Nelson Coachlines, we believe it is possible to implement controls that allow us to work together to prevent or reduce the environmental impact of our operations.


Our commitment is to:

  • Protect the environment;
  • Prevent pollution; and
  • Continuously improve our operations as they relate to environmental aspects.


To achieve these goals, we will seek to:

  • Minimise emissions from our vehicles by investing in training for all our drivers to ensure they use an environmentally sustainable driving style;
  • Closely monitor the development of hybrid and electric vehicles for possible opportunities for expansion along those pathways;
  • Ensure all waste is captured and disposed of correctly;
  • Minimise the impact of all toxic substances we use through:
    • Sourcing less harmful alternatives;
    • Recycling all waste containers where possible;
    • Securely storing all hazardous substances; and
    • Training all staff in spill prevention and spill clean-up.
  • Encourage staff and customers to respect the environment by reducing waste and encouraging recycling wherever possible; and
  • Carry out regular reviews of our processes to verify compliance with this policy.


General Manager – 01/10/2023

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